Monday, September 29, 2014

Kristin's Maternity Session.....Simply Beautiful.....

       All I can say is that when I showed up to the Romero household, Kristin looked absolutely beautiful and she was beaming with excitement for her new baby girl.  Yes, she had a her hair, nails and make-up done just right but you can tell that her and Dan can't wait to meet their new daughter.
      The baby's room is adorable, decorated in a pink/grey shabby chic with all of their personal touches.  Isabella's baby shower invitation, a photo of her gender announcement and one of her  framed ultrasound photos.  I loved it and know Isabella will too.  Mommy and Daddy have great taste.
       Following photographing in Isabella's room, we made our way to a local rustic trail where the lighting was perfect.  The dry grass and trees framed the couple in, just right.  I could not have asked for a nicer trail or sunset.
       We look forward to Kristin and Dan holding Isabella in their arms and enjoying every minute with her.  Babies are so precious and bring such joy.  Congratulations, and we could not be happier for the Romero Family!

*Hair and Make-up by Jill Szakacs.

                        Christie and Lacey
                        of Snowline Photography


Monday, September 15, 2014

Buzy Beez Preschool

   First, let's start when I first received the phone call from Ms. Valerie to photograph the children of Buzy Beez Preschool.  We were so excited and not quite sure what to expect photographing up to 15 babies, toddlers and preschoolers at one time.  Upon meeting Ms. Valerie to plan the photo session you can tell immediately, she is someone special.  Her passion for the children and teaching shine through.  She is full of energy and I could not help but think of my own children when we first met.
    Soon after our consultation, we picked a few dates to photograph for the year and signed my own children up for her preschool.  This was one of the best decisions we have made for our children and we couldn't be happier.  You know your children are learning when the 3 year old writes her name by the second day of school and the 2 year old says "mommy, use three finger play," when I was writing.  That's right, I was corrected by a 2 year old an how to hold a pen.
    Finally, the day arrived to photograph the infamous Buzy Beez and boy are they buzzing with energy.  We had a blast, and followed up with a few more sessions to ensure every child was photographed.  It would be an understatement to say we enjoyed working with these kids.  They were so funny and each individual child had a distinct personality that we loved.  You see, at Buzy Beez they are encouraged to learn, grow and be themselves.
   Just this evening,  my 2 year old daughter sang to me, "Ms. Valerie says no whining mom.  You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."  Everything is turned into a cute song and the children thrive on this type of learning.  Overall, we have been pleased with everyone we have met through this experience.  The parents, Ms. Valerie, Granny whom watches the babies and Jimmy the business guru/master chef.  Thank you Buzy Beez for this amazing experience and we look forward to more photo sessions with you all!

A special thank you to the Placerville Flower Market, for the beautiful sunflowers.

                        Christie and Lacey
                        of Snowline Photography

Friday, September 12, 2014

Surprise Anniversary Session.....

   Have you ever thought about having a fun session to surprise your significant other for your anniversary?  Well, Kay did and her hubby was so impressed that she would think of such a thoughtful gift (so we hear).  Not only did she prepare surprise photographs for him, but she also sang to him on their special day.  Why is this so unique, you may wonder???  Well, because Mike is the known family musician, while Kay is an excellent dance instructor.  He had no clue what she had been preparing, or that she could sing so well.  Overall, I would say that their anniversary was a success and it was a honor to photograph such a beautiful person, both inside and out.   
   Below are just a few photos from this session........

A special thank you to the Placerville Flower Market, for the beautiful hydrangeas.

                        Christie and Lacey
                        of Snowline Photography

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Aubree's "Onederland" was a huge success!!!

   Upon arriving to Aubree's Onederland, we were welcomed with bright colors, balloons and a beautifully decorated backyard.  The theme was perfect and the homemade decor was fitting for such a special little girl.  We have had the wonderful pleasure of photographing Aubree this past year, and enjoyed every minute of it.  She is such a happy baby and totally loved by everyone around her.  
   Not only did her mom and dad get engaged at her birthday party, as we posted about previously (Danielle & William's Surprise Engagement), but she was surrounded by all her family/friends.  It was obvious that Aubree is totally in love with her grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and most of all peaches.  I think she is obsessed with both peaches and balls, of which we noticed a theme with the gifts she received.
   Below are just a few photos of Miss Aubree at her 1st Birthday Party!

                        Christie and Lacey
                        of Snowline Photography

Book Now: Fall Family Photos and Senior Portraits in Coloma

     It's that time of year again for our flurry of Fall Family Photos and Senior Portraits. Therefore, we have booked three days with the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park in Coloma (Oct. 4th, Oct. 25th and Nov. 15th). Photo Sessions + Jump Drives/Full Digital rights, starting at $195.00 for 20-30 edited photos. Please contact us at to reserve your time slot. 

*A special thank you to the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park.

                        Christie and Lacey
                        of Snowline Photography

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Snowline Photography's One Year Anniversary!!!

    Wow, we can't believe one year flew by so fast!  Today Sept. 9th, 2014, marks the one year anniversary of Snowline Photography being in business, and we could not be happier with our success.   The most important part about this year in business is building new relationships.  This year was focused on growth, learning, and meeting new people. 
     Below are just a few photos from sessions this year.  

  We want to thank all of our family, friends and clients.  You have all been amazing and extremely supportive.  We look forward to many more years of doing business in and around El Dorado County.
   To our two top referral clients, we thank you Lydia Hein and Danielle Cenedella (soon to be Fausel), for believing in us and trusting us.  The word of mouth is extremely valuable and were honored that you referred us to your friends and family.
  Lastly, we want to thank the following local businesses for collaborating with us and look forward to more work with you:

  • David and Deanna of the Fausel Ranch
  • Stacy Alway Trainer at Powerhouse Gym and Coach of the Iron Dollz Fitness Competitors
  • The Anderson's of Pop Art Gallery
  • April Transue of Placerville Flower Market
  • John and Genevieve Sanders of Old Town Grill
  • Bowtie of the Bowtie Barbershop
  • Kiddlywinks Toy Store
  • Kay Lenhart of Jammin' Dance and Fitness
  • Foothill Logic Consulting
  • Dr. Angela Cantrell Chiropractics
  • Janey Moffitt of Little Mrs. Moffitt Made It
  • Boeger Winery
  • Marshall Gold Discovery Park
  • Bruce Neilsen of Architectural Specialty Sales and Company
  • James Rebolcaba of Rebo Construction
  • Valerie Ayers and James Vogan of Buzy Beez Preschool
  • Pamela Kimmel of Tax and Debt Solutions
  • Minuteman Press
  • Cuppa Coffee and More, for all the meetings we've held at your shop!

                        Christie and Lacey
                        of Snowline Photography